Resident evil clock puzzle
Resident evil clock puzzle

Puzzle Solutions - Chapter 1-3: Green Orb Door Location: In the Village: Chief's House Reward: Access to the Chief's House Solution: Move the green orb up once then left once. I have only put them into an efficient form. Credits - The solutions are based off the official stagey guide. You are also not allowed to sell or make profit off of this guide. I'll allow you to use it as long as I am given proper credit (Proper credit being Copyright 2005 by AngelIz831) and it stays in its original format.

resident evil clock puzzle

If you wish to use it on your site, contact me. The guide is not to be used anywhere other then these sites: Super Cheats, The Genie, and Gamefaqs. Legal Information - I don't own Resident Evil 4. Version 0.5 - Found the Solutions and began to put the guide together. Version 0.75 - Added the rewards and locations of all the puzzles. Double checked solutions and added what items can be found. Also changed the Church Dial puzzle solution to make it easier to understand. Version 1.1 - Changed the solution to the Last Dinner Puzzle.

resident evil clock puzzle

Version 1.2 - Put in two new websites that have contacted me to use this walkthrough. Version 1.3 - Changed the solution to the Church Dial after a few people gave me an easier solution. Version 1.4 - Added a new solution to Ashley's Knight Puzzle sent in by SilverSerpent66. Added another stragey for the Collasping Ceiling sent in by D S. Version History - Version 1.5 - Added yet another solution to Ashley's Knight Puzzle sent in by Michael Gebala. Be warned that this *MAY* include spoilers to some parts of the game.

resident evil clock puzzle

This guide also includes some of the items that can be obtained as you make your way through them.

Resident evil clock puzzle